Most campers who have to look for sleeping bags in the online or offline world would know the well-known brand, Coleman.
All models of this brand have specific temperature ratings which indicate the max continuous temperature (hot or cold) that a user will stay warm inside the sleeping bag.
In this guide, I’ll describe everything about the Coleman sleeping bag temperature ratings and point out some handy details that might help you understand the topic better. Continue Reading to Find the Real Talk…

Table of Contents
Types Of Sleeping Bag Temperature Ratings!
You’ll find 2 kinds of standard ratings that are mostly used to express the sleeping bag’s real temperature (which can’t be guessed by seeing the brand given number and degree). These are comfort and season. Based on these ratings, one can learn the actual warmth a bag provides.
Comfort Rating (EN Tested)
It basically determines the warmth level in which a user (men or women) will find comfort to sleep in different atmospheres using the sleeping bag.
Since general folks can find comfort in any level of cool or warm temperatures, there are 4 comfort ratings given as Europe’s standard measurement for them to pick easily.
Upper Limit
It indicates the highest temperature application for any user without facing sweat or discomfort. This is usually measured by keeping the zips and hood open while the arms stay outside.
For adult women, this measurement is measured based on the average female low tolerance ability in cold weather.
Lower Limit
It simply indicates the temperature at which an average male can sleep comfortably for more than 8 hours in a curled state without waking.
It defines the lowest temperature for standard females to sleep well for 6 hours without facing death due to extreme heat (hypothermia).
Season Ratings (ISO Tested)
The season rating is the new and old Coleman sleeping bag temperature ratings mostly used all over the world. It’s pretty simple to understand more than the EN comfort rating.
- Freezing weather camping: 24° F and below.
- Winter season night: 25° F to 39° F.
- Spring and fall weather: 40° F to 49° F.
- Late spring and early fall seasons: 50° F and up.
On the website of Coleman, you’ll find the season rating of sleeping bags in the Category section under the Filter. Most of the time, you’ll find 4 choices between 50° F to 24° F ratings.
To put it clearly, the Coleman sleeping bag 20 degree F temperature rating literally means it’s best for freezing and heavy cold weather.
By matching the manufacturer’s given temperature rating you can easily understand whether the bag suits summer or winter.
The Coleman Sleeping Bag Temperature Rating Explained!
Knowing the whole thing about the temperature rating of the Coleman sleeping bag would be hard unless you have ideas about the lab and real word comfort testing. It might show a close to accurate rating but not the exact result.
Here are a few things that will help you decide which sleeping bag would be ideal to sleep on in hot or cold weather:
Lab Tested Temperature Rating
It indicates the worldwide measurement which is EN (European Norm) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ratings. These two ratings will show huge differences between sleeping bags.
Real Life Temperature Rating
It’s easy to guess that the lab testing procedure never matches the comfort of real-world applications. As the lab can’t test comfort, so it would not help you learn the user experience unless you look into customer reactions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Coleman sleeping bags made?
In Kansas, Texas, and Chicago, there’s the headquarters of Coleman brand to produce the sleeping bag. They usually have 4k employees that help make the stoves, sleeping bags, and other camp gears.
Is Coleman sleeping bags warm?
Craft with 100% polyester outer fabric and interior fill, the Coleman bags are fantastic to grant warmth in cold weather. While they are ideal for cold nights, you can use them in the summer, autumn, and spring seasons.
Are sleeping bag temperature ratings accurate?
The number on the most sleeping bags isn’t fully precise to match the exact temperature rating. But they are pretty close to accurate.
Wrap Up
Picking the sleeping bag will be easier after you know the right temperature rating to suit your purpose. Sometimes the advertised temp ratings seem doubtful.
But not anymore! I have tried to present clear ideas of the Coleman sleeping bag temperature ratings by exposing the testing procedure and rating style. Hope you find this guide helpful to know all things about temperature scores.
Philip Robert is an avid camper and hiker who loves nothing more than spending his weekends camping and hiking in the mountains. He has been camping and hiking since he was a young boy and has never lost his love for the outdoors.
Philip is a firm believer that there is no better way to connect with nature and get some exercise than by spending time in the great outdoors. He is always on the lookout for new trails to explore, and loves sharing his experience with others.
“” is a place where you will find a comprehensive guide you need to know about camping and hiking. Philip has the knowledge and experience to help you enjoy the great outdoors.